using showdown js with openAi streaming response

news/2024/9/14 20:39:10 标签: javascript, 前端, 开发语言, stream, openai api

题意:"使用 Showdown.js 处理 OpenAI 流式响应"


I tried using showdownjs to translate streamed markdown from OpenAi to HTML

"我尝试使用 Showdown.js 将来自 OpenAI 的流式 Markdown 转换为 HTML"

I changed the code given at and just added the showdown part

"我修改了在 上提供的代码,并仅添加了 Showdown 部分。"

The system prompt to OpenAi includes returning responses using markdown, which it does

After the showdownjs parsed , the results are weird. Each chunk is in a separate line and the markdown isn't parsed!

"系统提示给 OpenAI 包括使用 Markdown 返回响应,OpenAI 确实这样做了。

但在 Showdown.js 解析后,结果很奇怪。每个块都在单独的行中,Markdown 并没有被解析!"

javascript">  let converter = new showdown.Converter({smoothLivePreview: true});
                        let parsedHtml = converter.makeHtml(txt);

                        div.innerHTML += parsedHtml;

The data does come back from the backend as a stream


Am totally flummoxed. What am i doing wrong here? I have the references all included and the data does come back from the php file in the backend.

"我完全困惑了。我在这里做错了什么?我已经包含了所有参考资料,数据确实从后端的 PHP 文件中返回了。"

enter image description here

Thanks in advance


I just realized that showdown is adding a "html p" tag around every word in every stream:-( And, the text with markdown (sometimes incomplete in the chunk), do not get processed and converted to html :-(

"我刚刚意识到 Showdown 在每个流中的每个单词周围添加了一个 'html p' 标签 :-( 而且,带有 Markdown 的文本(有时在块中不完整)没有被处理和转换为 HTML :-( "


I finally figured out a very simple solution. Duh.


I decided to use the markdown-it library from

And in the above code, rather than applying markdown when the text is streamed, i do it at the end on getting "done"

"我决定使用来自 的 markdown-it 库。

在上述代码中,我不是在文本流式传输时应用 Markdown,而是在获取到 'done' 后在最后进行转换。"

Am reproducing just the relevant part of the code here for brevity, with my solution. works like charm. Should have thought of it before! Ideally, i would like it to happen when the data streams, but looks like that is either not possible or too much hard work !!!


javascript">     if ( == "[DONE]") {
                    msgerSendBtn.disabled = false;
                    var elemB = document.getElementById("userSendButtonAV");
                    elemB.value = "Send";
                    const md = window.markdownit();
                    const renderedText = md.render(div.innerText);
                    div.innerHTML = renderedText;

                    document.getElementById('userMessageAV').placeholder='Enter your message now...';
                    document.getElementById('userMessageAV').disabled = false;

                } else {
                    //original code  let txt = JSON.parse([0].delta.content
                    if (isJsonString( {
                        let txt = JSON.parse([0].delta.content;

                    if (txt !== undefined) {
                        div.innerHTML += txt.replace(/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/g, '<br>');



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